Sedation Dentistry in Plymouth Meeting


What you need to know about
Sedation Dentistry

While we pride ourselves on having a warm, inviting dental practice, we know some patients have anxiety or nervousness when seeing the dentist. Our hope is that, over time, you’ll come to feel safe and comfortable at Fresh Smiles. But we also offer sedation dentistry with all our services to make your visits anxiety-free. Our sedation options are safe for all patients, young and old, allowing anyone to have a positive experience at our office.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
More commonly known as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide is a prefered sedation option for many patients. It’s administered through a small mask and the effects are easily reversed, so you’ll be able to drive yourself home after your appointment. You will be conscious during treatment, remaining aware of your surroundings and able to respond to questions. However, you’ll be in a relaxed, euphoric state, making the procedures easier to handle.
You Can Count On Expertise

Sedation is completely safe, but Dr. Bower will examine your medical history and level of anxiety before administering anything to you. We will have someone on staff with you at all times while sedated, so you’ll be safe and feel comfortable. Our top priority is ensuring you have a positive experience at Fresh Smiles. Come on in and we’ll show you a new way to get the treatment you need.